Tuesday, May 12, 2009


i miss them badly..wish i could go to their house and see what they are doing.

MIRA-don't be sad anymore.i wish all the best to you.you deserve someone better.

IMAH-just go with the flow.choose someone that really appreciate you, your family and your friends.

EZA-drive carefully

ZIRA-appreciate what you got.

wish i had a good friends that can share all the joy and sad moment togather.i am so depress right now.i miss my mom badly.

_cik kedondong


Faizal Sulaiman said...

nama aku manaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa????.

p/s--)nak cipta respi baru la. kek kedondong inti jambu madu air????
laku x??

farida tarmize said...

name ko?
xmuat la

p/s:kalo ko nk cipta suroh org len rase..ak xnk

mrs popo~ said...

ko sambung kt puncak alam ke next sem?

NuRuLhUsN@ said...

adek...mak ko mana?bkn ko da cuti ke..

farida tarmize said...

mak aku de la kat umah
aku ni yang tak balik2 lagi

chocolatecake said...

i miss u too
tue la
org da blik
ko bertapa
lg kat bandaraya s.alam
en p
balik lmbt gak..

farida tarmize said...

ak bkn sje xnk blk la
kwn ak nk tumpang umah ak
pastu konon2 nak keje
skali hampas
kemalasan datang melanda
en.p pon konon nk keje
last2 die pon blk
sme la cm en.b and indera
sume ngaku kalah